Tuesday, December 20, 2011

mocap final

Here's my mocap final - meant to post this a bit ago but forgot.  It was a group project, lots of fun, but really challenging working with everybody and coridinating this and all the software issues and various problems.

I've also just finished my first super-awesome ball rig following the Animator Friendly Rigging, which is a whole lot more awesome than I thought it was going to be.  Worth every penny of the $15 for the first one.  I learned a ton about rigging and workflow.  If I get camtasia maybe I'll post a video of it.  Yes, I'm that proud of this silly little ball rig :)  Tomorrow I start on bipeds!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flash Final

Here's my flash final.  I'm going to finish this music video for my friend someday.  Its his song "Homesick Astronaut"  by Mike Ackman  I did all the planning and animation for it.